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Get Started: Managing Reports
Get Started: Managing Reports

A quick-start guide for Workforce's reports, including how to access reports, set filters, save custom reports, and more!

Updated over 2 months ago

This guide will help you get started using Workforce's Reports. It includes details on accessing and managing reports, setting filters, creating custom reports, common FAQs, and more.

Accessing Reports

To access Workforce reports, click on the 'Reports' tab in the main navigation bar at the top of the page.

Report Permissions

You require specific user permissions to access reports in Workforce. Otherwise, the reports tab will be hidden to protect sensitive information. To view which user permission level can access each report, scroll to the bottom of the reports page and click 'BI Reporting.'

Broadly, users with Admin permissions can access all reports, while users with Employee permissions cannot. Users with Manager permissions can access most reports, though not all, as some are admin-only. Access levels for any custom roles you have created will vary.

To check a user's permissions, navigate to their staff profile and look for the following:

To customise or restrict who can access reports, navigate to Settings > Permissions > Show Advanced Settings > Customise Access & Roles Here. Toggle between each role type via the side menu to customise their access, looking specifically for the 'View Report' permission.

Overview of Reporting Categories

This section outlines Workforce's main reporting categories to help you efficiently navigate our reporting library and choose the most suitable options for your needs.

Time & Attendance

As the name implies, these reports focus on employee time (e.g., clock-in and break times) and attendance (e.g., tracking whether employees are showing up as scheduled). They include metrics such as shift compliance, costs by shift, attendance points, overtime percentages, and more, providing valuable insights into workforce performance.


Our Workforce reports focus on your employees, enabling you to confidently track key metrics such as recent commencements and departures, employee qualifications, shift acceptance, shift feedback, pay rate changes, and more.


For Workforce Payroll customers, these reports focus on how you pay your employees. They include categories such as pension contributions, year-end finalisation, payroll costs by location, employee leave, a payroll tax calculator, and more.


For Workforce HR customers, this category allows you to report on performance reviews, incidents, forms, warnings, and more.


If your main Workforce account includes partner accounts, you’ll see this reporting category. It allows you to generate reports for partner accounts, including timesheets requiring employee approval, manually entered shifts, expiring qualifications, and more.

For a description of each individual report, see the subtitle under that report's name, as below.

Setting Reporting Filters

This section explains some of our most common reporting filters to help you segment your data effectively and get the most out of Workforce's reports.

Note: We regularly add, remove, and update reporting filters, so the following list is representative. If you need assistance with a specific report filter not covered here, please contact

Columns to Display: Many of our newer reports use the "Columns to Display" functionality. This filter allows you to customise which columns will appear when you click 'Generate' for the report.

This ensures that only the selected columns are generated, minimizing unnecessary details. By default, only essential columns, such as 'preferred name,' are selected. This approach improves reporting functionality, reduces load times, and maintains flexibility and customisation.

For example, if you wanted to run a report to view only an employee's emergency contact details, without any additional information, you would simply select the relevant columns shown in the image above and unselect the others. Using the 'Columns to Display' feature gives you full control over the information you see, allowing you to avoid unnecessary data.

Rows to Display: Similar to the 'Columns to Display' feature, some reports also support a 'Rows to Display' option. This allows you to customise which rows are included when you click 'Generate.'

As with Columns to Display, certain rows are hidden by default to improve performance and reduce load times.

Default Payroll Team: Filter reports by an employee's default payroll team. To view or update this setting, navigate to the employee's Staff Profile > Personal > Teams > Default Payroll Team.

Teams worked in: Filter by any teams employees have worked in (i.e. not just their default payroll team, but any team they've worked in).

Additional Tags: Filter your report by an employee's specific additional tags. To see what tags apply to an employee, navigate to their Staff Profile > Pay Conditions > Additional Tags.

To see all applicable award tags in your account (or create a new one), navigate to Time & Attendance > Compliance > Classification Tags > Manage.

Shift Locations: Filter your report by where a shift was worked.

Positions: Filter your report by an employee's position. To view an employee's position, navigate to their Staff Profile > Pay Conditions > Position. To view a list of all your positions, navigate to Workforce > Positions.

Date Range: Select the date range you want the report to display from options such as This FY, This Pay Period, This Month, and more. You can also input a custom date range.

Include On-costs: When enabled, on-costs will be included in your reporting calculations. To manage your on-cost settings, navigate to Settings > All Settings > On-cost Config.

Compare to Previous: For relevant cost reports, the 'Compare to Previous' filter allows you to generate a report for two date ranges and compare the results side-by-side. For example, if you set your date range to ‘This Week’ and enable this filter, it would compare with last week. Or, if set to ‘This Pay Period’, it would compare with the last pay period, and so on.

Show Charts: Toggle this filter to show charts on supported reports. When this setting is enabled, you can choose whether your report is displayed as a line, bar, or pie chart.

Qualifications: Filter your report by different qualification types. To manage your qualifications, navigate to Workforce > Qualifications.

Qualification Status: Filter your report by a qualification's status (e.g. is that qualification expired or current?).

Staff (legal name): Filter your report by specific staff members (you can select multiple).

Advanced Reporting Settings

Our Advanced Reporting Links are at the bottom of the main reports page. You can use these links to troubleshoot or further customise your reports.

BI Reporting

Clicking the BI Reporting link takes you to our Built-in Reports page. This will show you a list of Workforce's built-in reports and the role types that can access them.

If you ever need to give someone access to a report—or restrict access—you should cross-reference the employee's permission level with this table. For example, you might want to give a Manager access to a specific report, but notice on this table that only Admins can access that report. Note that no one with employee-level permissions can access reports.

To customise user permission levels or create custom role types, navigate to Settings > Permissions > Show Advanced Settings > Customise Access & Roles Here.

Additionally, you can add embedded reports or built-in reports on this page. To add a built-in report, click 'Add Built-in Report' and select the appropriate report on the next page.

To add an embedded report, click 'Add Embedded Report' and fill in the required fields.

Configure Scheduled Reports

Use this setting to schedule daily roll call reports. When configured, you will receive a daily roll call summary email that includes who is at work, who is rostered to be at work, and who is running late, current as of your specified time.

You can schedule daily roll call reports to be sent at the start of the day, end of the day, or both.

To configure these reports, enter an email address (or multiple addresses, separated by commas) in the specified field. Then, enter what time the roll call should be emailed and select whether it should be sent on weekends. Finally, if the notification is disabled, click the prompt to enable it.

Underneath the 'Configure Scheduled Reports' setting, you'll see Archives. This page houses an archive of your scheduled daily roll call reports if you ever need to refer back to them.

Creating Custom Reports

You can also create and save your own custom reports. Creating a custom report will save all of your filters and automatically reload them next time for greater convenience.

Please note that not all of our reports support customisation, though many of our newest reports do, especially our Workforce and Employee reports. To determine if a report is customisable, look for the 'Actions' menu at the top right corner of the page.

For example, let's say you want to customise the Employee Report. Instead of manually re-running the report for each team, you want to create a separate custom report for each team.

To do so, you would simply set the appropriate filter (either 'default payroll team' or 'teams worked in' depending on your specific needs). Then, once you're happy with your filters, click Actions > Save As Custom Report. You will be prompted to name your report. In this example, you might name it something like "Employee Report (Kitchen Team)" for easy navigation.

Repeat this process as needed to create custom reports for each location or customise a different filter and restart the process.

After saving your report, you can access your custom reports at the top of the main Reports page for easy access. You can also access them directly via the Reports menu. Your set filters will automatically apply whenever you reload a custom report.

You can also use the actions menu to pin or schedule reports. For more information on this process, see our help guide.

Enabling Dashboard Reports

In addition to our built-in reports, you can add reports directly to your dashboard for greater convenience.

The dashboard is your Workforce homepage. To access it, click on the Workforce logo in the top left corner or visit Time & Attendance > Dashboard.

Adding reports to your dashboard lets you easily monitor important events in real-time, such as a live cost report or a workforce dashboard.

To do so, scroll to the bottom of the page and select + Add Widget > + Add A Custom Widget. You will be directed to a page titled Platform Reports. You can add any of the reports labelled "Dashboard" by clicking + on that report.

To learn more about dashboard reporting, see the following help guides:

Troubleshooting & FAQs

I want to suggest a new type of report for Workforce to create. What should I do?

If you can't find the specific type of report you're looking for in Workforce, you're welcome to leave feedback via Canny here. We value this feedback and regularly monitor this inbox to implement popular suggestions.

How can I find out when Workforce adds a new report?

We regularly add and update reports to improve their performance and overall functionality. The best way to be notified whenever Workforce adds a new report is by subscribing to our Changelog.

Which report do I need to run to configure my Pay Check settings?

The Central Pay Check Report is your home for Pay Checks and Shift Checks. To catch potential issues in advance, we recommend that you run this report before submitting a pay run. You can learn more in this help guide.

I saved/pinned a report by accident. How can I remove it?

You can easily remove your pinned/saved reports at any time. To do so, navigate to the desired report, click on the Actions menu, and select 'Unpin report' or 'Delete custom report.'

I can't find a specific report. Have you moved it?

Workforce regularly adds, updates, renames, and removes reports to improve performance and functionality. If you cannot locate a report you use regularly, we may have moved or renamed it. To find its new location, try using Command + F on the Reports page and searching for the report's name.

If you have tried this and still need help locating the report, please reach out to our friendly support team at They can confirm whether we removed the report entirely or revamped/renamed it. If so, they should be able to recommend an appropriate alternative.

You should also subscribe to our Changelog to receive updates about new or removed reports.

What is the difference between cost reports and cost timelines?

Cost Reports and Cost Timelines serve different purposes in Workforce:

  • Cost Reports provide a way to report on wage costs and total hours worked. They allow managers to filter and compare data in various ways, such as comparing timesheet costs to roster costs or between different date ranges. They also include filters for qualifications, locations, teams, award tags, roles, award templates, shift locations, and shift teams.

  • Cost Timelines, on the other hand, show wage cost trends over time, which can assist in making informed staffing decisions. They include reports like Costs by Pay Period, which displays a timeline of wage costs by pay period and employment type and allows you to view trends in different employment types.

You can learn more in this help guide.

How do I configure on-costs for reports?

To configure your on-costs in Workforce, navigate to Settings > On-Cost Config and follow the prompts.

Why are my reports not loading?

Depending on your specific reporting filters, the size of your organisation, and how much data the report has to pull, reports may occasionally slow down or stall while loading. If a report repeatedly crashes or takes an unreasonably long time to load, please reach out to our friendly support team at

Please be assured that we are continually refining our backend reporting functionality to improve speed, load time, and performance.

Can I download a summary of my report?

This depends on the specific report you're using. Many of our cost reports, such as the Costs By Day and Real Wage Cost reports, support this functionality via the 'Download Report' button. However, other reports aren't downloadable due to the underlying reporting logic and the nature of the data they're pulling.

Simply put, you should look for the 'Download Report' button. If you see this, you can download the report. If not, you can't.

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