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Points Based Attendance

Automatically and manually allocate points to employees based on attendance and/or other rules created by managers/admins

Updated over 2 years ago

Points-based attendance has become increasingly popular across hourly workforces, and's new points-based attendance feature makes it easy for admins/managers to track these statistics and delegate appropriate levels of discipline.

How to get started

This feature is optional and can be toggled on/off by admins/managers in Settings > Attendance Settings > Point System. Once enabled, authorized admins/managers can create rule sets and rules.

What are rule sets?

A rule set is a group of rules that belong to an organization. An organization can have multiple rule sets as different rules might apply to different employees.

  • tags can be added to a rule set, meaning only employees with those tags can accrue points from the rules in that rule set

  • tags can't be added to rule sets that would cause an employee to belong to multiple rule sets

Rules are associated with a specific rule set, so if Rule Set A and an employee have a tag of "Full Time", only the rules in Rule Set A would apply to the employee. Rule Set B's rules would not apply.

A user will receive an error when adding tags to rule sets that will cause an employee to belong to multiple rule sets, however as of now there's no protection against adding tags directly to users that cause them to belong to multiple rule sets. We encourage users to make new tags that are strictly used for attendance based rule sets.

What are rules?

A rule is a reason an employee would accrue points.

There are 4 types of rules: leave early, late, no show, and manual

  • Leave early and late rules are applied automatically when an employee clocks out from his/her shift

  • No show rules will run once per day and will check if an employee never clocked in for their scheduled shift from the previous day

  • Manual rules are a bit different. They aren't automatically applied, and a point allocation must be manually added in the employee's profile under Attendance Points

Creating Rule Sets and Rules

Creating a new rule set

At the bottom of the Attendance Settings page, there is a button to add a new rule set. After adding a new rule set, you will be able to update the rule set name and apply tags.

Creating a new rule

Each rule set has a form to create a new rule.

  • Leave early and Late rules require a minutes value

  • Manual and No Show rules do not require a minutes value

  • Manual rules also require a name to describe the rule

  • All rule rules require a number of points to allocate as well as an expiration date

After rule sets and rules are created, employees will automatically start to accrue points for leave early, late, and no show rules. Manual rules can be manually applied to an employee.

Employee Profile - Attendance Points

Each employee will have an Attendance Points tab on their profile which only admins/managers can view. This page displays all point allocations for the selected employee. A point record includes:

  • the date the point(s) were accrued

  • the reason (using the rule type)

  • # of points

  • status (active or archived)

  • expiration date of each record (expired records will be considered as archived)

Allocating a manual point record

At the bottom of the Attendance Points page, there is a form to create a new point record.

  • Shift Date includes the employee's shifts from the last 30 days
    ​ (a point record must be associated with a shift)

  • Rule includes all manually created rules in the Attendance Settings page

  • a point record can't be created if there is an existing point record with the same shift date and rule

The employee Attendance Points is a great way to manage an employee's point records and understand the reasons for their points. If you wanted to view the points of every employee under the organization, we created an Attendance Points Report.

Attendance Points Report

The Attendance Points report gives a summary of all staff visible to the manager/admin and their accrued points. The report can be accessed under Reports > Attendance Points Report if Point System is enabled in Settings.

For every employee, the report displays:

  • Employee ID #

  • Total Points

  • Late points

  • Leave Early points

  • Unexcused Absence points

  • Manual points

The report can be downloaded by clicking the Download button.

Removing Point Allocations

Points can be removed in a few ways

  • Correct employee's timesheet

  • Manual Delete

  • Expiration

Correct a timesheet

Since points related to arriving late and leaving early are recorded on clock out, their accuracy depends on the employees' accuracy in clocking out. If for example an employee clocks in late even though they arrived on time, modifying the employee's timesheet to the correct times will automatically adjust any points given - or adjust them in the opposite direction if an employee was found to be late after the timesheet's update. Modifying a timesheet can also correct points allocated for unexcused absences.

Manual Delete

Point allocations can be directly deleted on the employee's profile page under the attendance points tab. We recommend this for points that were allocated by mistake and should be permanently deleted as they would not be useful in a future audit of an employee's attendance. All of your employees' points can be deleted on the attendance report page. This is useful if employees have collected points for rules that are no longer desirable.


As mentioned earlier in this article, rules have an attribute for "expiration days" which will set an expiration date for any allocated points. Expired points don't count against the employee's current point total, but are saved in the database for future audits of an employee's attendance. The two above methods for point removal will hard delete the allocated points.

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