This feature is available for users who have enabled Workforce HR.
What's covered in this guide?
Add Form Templates
To get started, navigate to HR > Forms > Form Templates. Then, click the + Create New Form Template button:
Next, add the following details to your Form:
Name - Staff will be able to see this when completing a form
Category - The reason for the form. Common examples are outlined here.
Active - Controls if users can access and complete this form. Uncheck if users should not have access yet.
Available to be assigned when onboarding an employee - Makes the form available to send during onboarding.
Can employees access this form? - Scopes the form to either All Employees or Custom. Selecting Custom will make the form accessible to specific users via position titles and/ or team.
“And” will require the user to be in the selected position AND the team whereas using.
“Or” will only require them to be in either the Position OR the Team.
Description - information about what the form (including when to submit)
Notifications - Specify the Positions which should receive a notification when the forms are submitted
Add sections
Once you've created the From, group similar suggestions together by creating sections. Use the + Add Section button to create one.
Add a Name for the section. You can select "Make this section repeatable" which allows the employee completing the form to complete this section more than once.
In the example below, the Trip Details section has been set to repeatable allowing the employee to record multiple miles allowance tips within a single form. Click the Create button to create the section.
💡Tip: Sections can be dragged into a different order through the ≡ button.
Add Questions
Once you've added sections, questions can be added to the forms. Items are the individual tasks that employees will complete in the form.
To create a new question, click the + Add Question button under the relevant section.
When creating a question, you'll need to include the following details:
Name - The question name
Type - Specify how staff will answer the question
Required - Specify if the employee can skip the question
Add a file - Provides the user a file to access as part of the question
Description - Text displayed as a tooltip to the employee. Provides additional information as to how to answer the question.
Question types
When creating questions, the response fields employees use can be configured to:
Short Text - Basic text input
Number - Basic number input
Currency - Number input preceded by a ($) sign
Multiple Choice - Allows the selection of a predefined number of options
Checkbox - A single yes/no checkbox
Long Text - A larger text input for long-form responses
Date - A date selector field
Time - A time field
Date Time - Date & Time in a single field
Rating - Allows a simple 1-5 rating
Number Slider - Lets staff enter a value along a number slider
Signature - Adds a sign here field to the form
File Upload - Allows the user to upload a .pdf or .jpg file
Photo Upload - Requires the user to take a photo