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Asset dashboard

Keep an eye on your assets, including what's available and upcoming events.

Updated over 12 months ago

This feature is available for users who have enabled Workforce HR.


To access the Asset Dashboard, ensure the permission to View assets has been enabled.

Once enabled, the dashboard can be accessed through Operations > Asset Management.

Filter dashboard

The items in the dashboard can be filtered by:

  • Upcoming events

  • Category (e.g. vehicles)

  • Status (e.g. available)

  • Location


Upcoming events groups assets that have events coming up in the next 30 days or events happening later. These events include scheduled repairs, ending warranties, and more.


Category groups assets together that have the same category assigned. These pre-built categories include computer equipment, general equipment, furniture and fixtures, intangible assets, vehicles, and more.


Status groups assets together based on if they are active, available, or checked out.


Location groups assets together based on the location they were assigned when being created.

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