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Staff: Picking up extra shifts
Updated over a week ago

If a co-worker requests a shift replacement, or your employer schedules empty shifts that you can claim, use the Pick up shifts feature to add them to your roster.

This help guide covers:

Viewing available shifts

Any shift that you're eligible to pick up can be found through the Shifts button on the navigation bar, under the Pick up shifts tab.

Scroll between days and locations you work in to see what shifts you can pick up.

Claiming a shift

If you have the option to 'Claim Shift', doing so will automatically add it to your roster.

If multiple employees have the option to Claim the same shift, the first employee to do so will be allocated the shift.

The shift card will show:

  • The team and location of the shift

  • Length of the shift

  • Date of the shift

  • How much you'll earn for working the shift

You can also request a replacement on a shift you've claimed if you can no longer work it. Learn how in Staff: Requesting a shift replacement.

Offering to cover a shift

If you have the option to 'Offer to Cover' a shift, your offer will need to be approved by a manager before being added to your roster.

The shift card will also show:

  • The team and location of the shift

  • Length of the shift

  • Date of the shift

  • How much you'll earn for working the shift

If your Offer to Cover is approved, you'll be notified via push notification, and the shift will be added to your roster.

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