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Leave Balance Report

A guide to viewing all employee leave balances through the Leave Balance Report

Updated over a week ago

What is the Leave Balance Report?

The Leave Balance Report is used to view employees' Leave Balances across the Leave Balance Period. The Leave Balance Report shows both the current balance and the 'Starting Balances' - the entitlement the employee is designated at the start of the leave year or, employment commencement date.

Accessing the Leave Balance Report

Depending on when you began to use Workforce, you may be required to 'generate' the Leave Balance Report via the Leave Balance Report landing page in order to add and review 'Starting Balances' for employees.

To access the Leave Balance Report, navigate to:

US: Reports > Leave Balance Report

UK/Europe: Time & Attendance > Leave > Leave Balance Report > Upload Starting Balances



If you have not generated a Leave Balance Report: you will need to do this first.

If no leave year start date, enter and hit Update Settings. This will take you to the reports.

If you do have a leave year start date, review the date and scroll to the bottom to hit Generate Report.

  • For users who have been using Workforce prior to April 2021

    • If you were using Workforce prior to April 2021, you will be navigated to a Landing Page. The Landing Page displays:

      • The Leave Year Start Date

      • Instructions for the Leave Balance Report

      • A 'Generate Report' button

    • Once the Leave Year Start Date has been set and the instructions reviewed, users will be required to click the 'Generate Report' button to generate the report

    • The Landing Page will periodically refresh every 30 seconds until the report has been generated

    • We have taken the courtesy to estimate a Starting Balances for each employees Leave Type. The estimated 'Starting Balance' for is based on leave that has already been taken and approved shifts etc.

  • For users who began using Workforce after April 2021

    • If you began using Workforce for Leave* after April 2021, the Leave Balance Report will be automatically generated when accessing the report.

    *There was a Leave Year Start Date set prior to balances being created

Understanding the Leave Balance Report

The Leave Balance Report captures information related to employees Leave Balances for the Leave Balance Period. The Report displays:

  • Employee Name:

    • The name of the employee

  • Leave Type:

    • Associated Leave Type which holds a balance

  • LYSD

    • Leave year start date

  • Starting Balance:

    • Employees Starting Balance for the Leave Period.

  • Current Balance:

    • Employees Current Balance for the Leave Period. Equal to: (Starting Balance + Accrued Leave + Manual Changes) - Leave Taken

  • Manual Adjustments:

    • The sum of all manual changes made to a Leave Balance where a correct at date was not set. The result is the difference between what the current balance was to what it was manually updated to

    • If no manual changes have been made in the period, this column will not display

  • Accrued Leave:

    • Leave that has accrued from approved shifts, other leave & TOIL

  • Leave Taken:

    • Deductions from Leave Taken or Approved Leave (not yet taken) with the Leave Period

When accessing the Report for the first time, the 'Starting Balance' column will be highlighted to encourage users to correct StartIng Balances if they're incorrect. Updated Starting Balances will be highlighted in green.

Once Starting Balances have been reviewed and updated (if necessary), press the 'Confirm' button the green banner to confirm.

Leave Balance Report Functions

The Leave Balance Report has various functions such as:

  • Download: Download the Leave Balance Report to CSV

  • Leave Balance Period: Workforce displays the Leave Balance Period for quick reference

  • Report on previous Leave Years by selecting the desired period in the drop down (defaults to 'Current Year')

    • Note: Users can only report on Leave Years in which the Leave Balance Report was being utilised by the organisation.

  • Filters:

    • Employee Name

    • LYSD (leave year start date)

    • Leave Type

    • Location

    • Team

    • Award Tags

    • Roles/Permissions

  • Tooltips: Additional information is provided through the blue '?' upon each column header

FAQs and Troubleshooting

My Workforce runs multiple Leave Years, can I use the Leave Balance Report?

Currently we do not support reporting on employees balances where their Leave Year is separate to the Leave Year set in the Organisation settings.

How do I change a Starting Balance?

We recommend checking out this help guide for further information. To summarise, Starting Balances can be updated/adjusted by:

  • Through the individual Employee Profile, or;

  • Via CSV (useful for uploading Starting Balances in bulk), or;

  • The Leave Balance Report: balances can be updated directly on the report, or;

  • Recalculate Leave Button through the individual Employee profile

Does unpaid Leave Types show on the Leave Balance Report?

The Leave Balance Report only displays Leave Types which hold a balance.

Who can view the Leave Balance Report?

Admins, General Managers, Payroll Officers and Team Managers (Team Managers will only be able to view balances for teams that they manage).

What is a Leave Balance Period?

The Leave Balance Period is the period of time in which balances are applicable for. The Leave Balance Period is calculated using the Leave Year Start Date as the beginning of the period.

For example, if your organisation's Leave Year Start Date is January 1, the Leave Balance Period will be January 1 - December 31st.

πŸ“Note: You can set and manage multiple Leave Year Start Dates per employee. Learn more here.

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