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Nest Pension Integration

Integrate Workforce with Nest to seamlessly enrol staff and send pension contributions for each pay run

Updated yesterday

Set up your Nest integration

To connect your Workforce account with your Nest account, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Payroll > Payroll Settings > Pension Setup

  2. Click + New and select "Nest" as the pension provider system

  3. Enter your Nest login details, employer number and contribution rates

Sync your staff between Workforce and Nest

Once your Nest pension provider is created, we will need a few minutes to sync the integration with your Nest account. Once this is complete, you will be able to create nest memberships for your staff.

You will need to enter the user's member number (the number part of their Nest unique identifier, or any unique number if they are not in Nest yet).

You will also need to select which group and payment source applies to the user, from your Nest account setup.

For staff to be enrolled, and their contributions to be sent to Nest, they must also have a Nest pension contribution in Workforce:

Enroll staff in Nest

Once your Workforce account is connected to Nest and your staff have been given pension memberships and contributions, workers can be enrolled in two ways:

  1. Manually: Staff can opt in to pension contributions manually. To achieve this in Workforce, check "Employee has been assessed and opted into pension" on their Nest pension contribution, and they will be enrolled into your Nest account.

  2. Automatically (each payrun): As long as the user has a Nest pension contribution, and have not been opted out or had their enrolment postponed, we will assess the user each pay run for their eligibility to be enrolled into pension contributions. Once they are eligible, we will automatically update their contribution to 'enrolled' and they will be enrolled to your Nest account.

Send pension contributions to Nest

Once a pay run has been posted, you will be able to send all pension contributions for that pay run to Nest. This can be done in two places:

  1. Directly after posting a pay run: Once a payrun has been posted, you will be directed to the success page. The option will appear in the dropdown shown below (providing you have your Nest integration set up):

2. When viewing a posted pay run: An option to send contributions will appear in the 'Actions' dropdown in the top right of the page:

Sync opt outs from Nest

Once connected to Nest, opting a user out of contributions must be done in your Nest account. We will then sync these opt outs from Nest after a pay run has been posted, and update contributions accordingly for users that have opted out during that period.

This is fully automatic and you don't need to do anything.

Manage past syncs with Nest

Sending and retrieving data to/from Nest can be rejected by Nest for a number of reasons, such as:

  • Missing user information

  • Mismatch in pay periods between system

Due to this, you can monitor the status of requests and find out what caused a request to be rejected.

To see monitor the status of a request:

  1. Navigate to Payroll > Payroll Settings > Pension Setup

  2. Click View past requests button on your Nest integration

  3. You will be taken to a page where you can see the status and error messages for all past requests sent to Nest

  4. Amend any issues and retry the request

Note πŸ“ Syncs made with Nest can normally take up to 20 minutes (potentionally more, depending on the amount of data being sent). If you do not see any requests, check back later.

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