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Modulr Integration

Use the Modulr integration to pay staff, suppliers, and the HMRC.

Updated over a week ago

Modulr is a UK-based payment platform that enables 24/7 payment processing. You can pay in real-time or schedule payments in advance, instantly approve payments via the Modulr mobile app, and pay out employees faster than the traditional 3-day BACS system.

Pay staff using Modulr

You can use Modulr to pay staff for each pay run. To successfully process payments, ensure that:

  • A pay run is posted before attempting to pay staff.

  • Employees' bank details are up to date.

  • Amounts on employees’ payslips are correct.

Link your Workforce account to Modulr

To connect Workforce with Modulr, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Payroll > Payroll Settings > Payment Setup.

  2. On the Payment Setup page, select the Pay by Modulr button.

  3. You will be redirected to the Modulr login screen. Enter your Modulr account details to log in.

  4. Confirm the connection to Workforce when prompted.

  5. If the connection is successful, you will be redirected to the Payment Setup page in Workforce, and a success message will appear at the top of the screen.

Make a payment using Modulr

Once your Workforce account is linked to Modulr:

  1. Post a pay run in Workforce.

  2. In the action menu, select Pay by Modulr.

  3. Your accounts from Modulr will be loaded.

  4. Enter a payment reference (this will appear in employees’ bank statements).

  5. Choose the source account from which the payment will be made in Modulr.

  6. Click Send to process the payment.

  7. If the payment is successfully sent to Modulr, the pay run status in Workforce will be updated to Payment Pending.

View a Pending Payment in Modulr

  • Payments will appear under Pending Payments > Batches in your Modulr account:

  • For each employee, you will see the amount to be paid, the payment reference, and any errors with the payment details.

Approve a payment in Modulr

  • To approve a payment, navigate to Approvals > Batches

  • If there are no errors, you will have the option to Reject or Approve the payment:

  • When the payment is approved, the pay run status in Workforce will be updated to Paid.


  • Ensure that all staff bank details are available and up-to-date.

  • Confirm that at least one payslip exists per pay run.

  • If you encounter this error message, there may be a problem with the Modulr integration. Please contact for assistance.

  • Updates may still be sent to Modulr even if your Workforce account is not updated with approved payments.

  • If you reject the payment in Modulr, you will need to contact to update the status.

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