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Custom Permissions Checklist

A checklist outlining what permissions are required to perform each action

Updated over a week ago

This is a guide outlining what permissions are required to carry out certain actions in the system, aswell as a small guide as to how user roles interact with each other.

General Permission Rules

Unless stated in the 'Other Comments' below, the permissions apply to each user role as follows:


Can access all

Payroll Officer:

Can see all, but can only make changes in certain places

General Manager:

If also a team manager, team manager permissions will apply. If not, can access all.

Team Manager:

Can access all for users that they manage.


Can only access themselves.

Custom Permission Checklist

Schedule Permissions


Custom Permissions Required

Other Comments

View schedules


  • View

The schedules that employees can see is based on the "Employees can view the full rota" setting. If it is not enabled, they can only see their own schedules.

Create schedules


  • Create

Edit schedules


  • Edit

Team managers can only update schedules in teams that they manage.

Publish schedules


  • Publish

Team managers can only publish the roster if they are a manager of at least one team being published, but they will only publish the schedules in their managed teams.

Lock Roster


This is only available to admins.

Edit Roster Templates

Roster Template

  • Edit

This is unavailable to employees.

Apply Roster templates

Roster Template

  • Create

This is unavailable to employees

See/Edit Roster Projections Configurations

Demand Projection Settings

  • View / Edit

This is unavailable to employees

Leave / Holiday Permissions


Custom Permissions Required

Other Comments

Create Leave Request

Leave Request

  • Create

Employees can only request leave if the Allow staff to enter leave requests setting is also enabled.

Approve Leave Request

Leave Request

  • Edit

  • Edit Status

If update status except self is enabled, they will not be able to approve their own requests

Team managers cannot approve their own requests.

See Leave Request Comments

Leave Request

  • View

Employees can only see their own comments

Request Unavailability

Unavailability Request

  • Create

You also need the 'Allow staff to enter unavailability" to be enabled in permission settings.

Staff can also only request unavailability with 'Minimum number of days notice required for unavailability' set in the leave settings.

See Leave Balance

Leave Balance

  • View

Leave Types that are set to be hidden, will not show for employees.

Team managers can only see their own balances if the leave type is not hidden.

Temporary employees cannot see any balances.

Recalculate Leave Balance

Leave Balance

  • Edit


  • Edit

This is only available for general managers, payroll officers and admins

Import/Export Leave Balances


This is available to Payroll Officers and Admins only

Update Leave Year


  • View

  • Edit

This is only available for admins

Timesheet Permissions


Custom Permissions Required

Other Comments

Approve Timesheets


  • Approve Own / Approve Others

This is unavailable for employees

Team managers can only approve their own timesheet if "Allow team managers to edit/approve their own timesheets" setting is enabled.

See Shift Comments


  • View

Employees can only see their own comments.

Staff Permissions


Custom Permissions Required

Other Comments

Assign Roles to Staff


  • Assign Roles

This is unavailable for employees

Reactivate/Deactivate Staff


  • Destroy

This is unavailable for employees

Add Staff Profile Photo


  • See

  • Edit

Send Onboarding Invitation

User Invite

  • Create

Edit Onboarding Questions


  • Read Sensitive Data

This is unavailable for employees

Apply Tags to Staff


  • See

  • Edit

  • Edit Wages

This is unavailable to employees

Add Temporary Staff


  • See

  • Edit

  • Assign Roles

This is unavailable to employees

Temporary staff needs to be enabled on the account

A user can only be assigned as a temporary user, if they only have an employee role.

See Other Users' Wages


  • See Wages

This is unavailable for employees

Managers can only see wages if Allow team managers to see staff costs

Impersonate Staff Member


This is only available to admins

Communication Permissions


Custom Permission Required

Other Comments

Create Communication Room

Communication Room

  • Create

This is unavailable to employees.

Managers can only create communication rooms if they are a manager of at least 1 team, and they can only create rooms for those teams.

This is unavailable to payroll officers, unless they have another user role that allows this.

Delete Communication Room


This is only available to Admins and General Managers

Create Communication Message

Communication Room

  • Edit

  • View

This is unavailable to employees

Other Permissions


Custom Permissions Required

Other Comments

Edit Key Alerts


This is only available for admins.

Edit Scheduled Tasks


This is only available for admins.

Edit Location Business Hours


  • View

  • Edit

This is disabled for employees.

View Dashboard


  • View

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