Managers can keep you in the loop of store operations, policy updates, and more with the Communications feature.
What's covered in this guide?
Viewing messages
Access announcements through the Messages tab on the navigation bar of the app. If you have any messages that are unread, you'll see an orange dot on the icon.
On the Messages page, you'll see an overview of the different Communication rooms you're part of, with an orange dot showing which of these rooms have unread messages.
To read a message, click into any of these rooms.
Replying to messages
When managers create an announcement, they can choose to allow replies from staff.
To send a reply, open the message in the Communication room it's been posted into.
Any announcements that allow replies will show a 'Replies' button in the corner.
Click this button to type your reply, attach a document, and send your response. Any replies you make will be visible to others in the communication room.
Acknowledging messages
Your managers may require you to acknowledge an announcement they've sent.
To acknowledge an announcement, open the message in the Communication room it's been posted into. Any messages awaiting your acknowledgement will show as Requires your attention. Tick the checkbox to acknowledge the messages.
Once you've acknowledged an announcement, you'll receive confirmation.
Managers will be able to track who has acknowledged their message, as well as who has or hasn't seen it.
Initiate a 1-to-1 chat or group chat
To initiate a 1-to-1 chat, first you will need the permission to do so. Please speak to an administrator of your account who can enable this via our guide here.
Once you have permissions, navigate to the mobile app and:
Select Messages on the navigation bar
Select + Create a group
Select the user (s) from the dropdown under Add users
Enter a Name (tip: if chat with 1 team member, enter that team member's name)
Click Create Group
Enter Announcement title (you can think of this like the subject to an email)
Enter message in message box below
Click Send