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Managing Your Staff Profiles
Store documents and other custom information against a staff profile
Store documents and other custom information against a staff profile

Create additional fields on the employee profile to store files or other information

Updated over a week ago

You can add more information to an employee profile using custom fields. Common examples of custom fields you can add to an employee profile include:

  • Files

  • Yes/No responses - for example, the field might indicate if an employee has their own transport available

  • Additional contact details - for example, if you wanted to collect details for an emergency contact

Creating custom fields

Navigate to Settings > Platform > Customize native objects and select the object you want to create custom fields for. In this example, we'll choose Employee.

Required information

  1. Set a name for the field

  2. Set the field type. For example: Currency, Date, Long Text, Number, Text or Yes/No

  3. Select permissions for who you want the field to be visible to, and who you want to be able to edit the field

Creating a document storage field

To create a place to upload a file, complete the fields under link existing objects as fields. For Object, select File.

Where to find custom fields on the employee profile

Custom fields added to the employee object appear via the Additional tab of the employee profile.

File formats you can upload: PDF, CSV, PNG, JPG up to 5MB.

Adding custom fields to employee onboarding forms

To have staff complete these custom fields & upload files during onboarding, see Employee Onboarding: collect personal, bank details & send digital forms to new employees.

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