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Daylight Savings In Your Account
Daylight Savings In Your Account

Learn how handles regional changes to daylight savings, and how rosters and timesheets are affected.

Updated over 2 years ago

This guide answers the following questions:

In New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, and the ACT, daylight savings is observed from the first Sunday in October, until the first Sunday in April of the following calendar year. The changeover is always made between the hours of 2AM and 3AM.

In October, these states have time move forward by one hour. So, clocks will move from 01:59:59 (hh:mm:ss) to 03:00:00 (hh:mm:ss).

In April, these states have time move backward by one hour. So, clocks will move from 02:59:59 (hh:mm:ss) to 02:00:00 (hh:mm:ss).

How does apply daylight savings to the right states?

Just like timezones, applies daylight savings based on the locations in your organization. So, if your organization has a Queensland location and a New South Wales location, only the New South Wales location will have daylight savings apply.

What will daylight savings look like on the roster?

When you're creating a roster for the first Sunday in October, or first Sunday in April, you'll only notice a difference if staff are rostered around the 2am/3am mark.

The total hours on the timesheet will calculate based on how many hours are actually worked by staff, whereas the roster will show total hours as how many hours that would normally show within the shift.

On the first Sunday in October, rostering someone around these times will produce the following results:


Hourly Breakdown

Saturday 22:00 until Sunday 06:00 will show the total paid hours as 7 in the timesheet.

22:00 - 22:59 - Hour 1

23:00 - 23:59 - Hour 2

00:00 - 00:59 - Hour 3

01:00 - 01:59 - Hour 4

Changeover from 01:59:59 to 03:00:00

03:00 - 03:59 - Hour 5

04:00 - 04:59 - Hour 6

05:00 - 06:00 - Hour 7

Saturday 22:00 until Sunday 02:00 will now show as 22:00 until 03:00 and total hours will still be 4 in the timesheet.

Note: When adding 02:00 as the finish time, automatically changes this to 03:00

22:00 - 22:59 - Hour 1

23:00 - 23:59 - Hour 2

00:00 - 00:59 - Hour 3

01:00 - 01:59 - Hour 4

Changeover from 01:59:59 to 03:00:00

Saturday 22:00 until Sunday 02:30 will now show as 22:00 until 03:30 but the total hours will still be 4.5 in the timesheet.

22:00 - 22:59 - Hour 1

23:00 - 23:59 - Hour 2

00:00 - 00:59 - Hour 3

01:00 - 01:59 - Hour 4

Changeover from 01:59:59 to 03:00:00

03:00 - 03:30 - Hour 4.5

Sunday 02:00 until Sunday 06:00 will now show as 03:00 until 06:00 and total hours will be 3 in the timesheet.

Note: When adding 02:00 as the start time, automatically changes this to 03:00

Changeover from 01:59:59 to 03:00:00

03:00 - 03:59 - Hour 1

04:00 - 04:59 - Hour 2

05:00 - 06:00 - Hour 3

Note: Total hours in these examples are exclusive of breaks

Then, on the first Sunday in April, rostering someone around these times will produce the following results:


Hourly Breakdown

Saturday 22:00 until Sunday 06:00 will show the total hours as 9

22:00 - 22:59 - Hour 1

23:00 - 23:59 - Hour 2

00:00 - 00:59 - Hour 3

01:00 - 01:59 - Hour 4

02:00 - 02:59 - Hour 5

Changeover from 02:59:59 to 02:00:00

02:00 - 02:59 Hour 6

03:00 - 03:59 - Hour 7

04:00 - 04:59 - Hour 8

05:00 - 06:00 - Hour 9

Saturday 22:00 until Sunday 03:00 will still show as 22:00 until 03:00, but total hours will be 6

22:00 - 22:59 - Hour 1

23:00 - 23:59 - Hour 2

00:00 - 00:59 - Hour 3

01:00 - 01:59 - Hour 4

02:00 - 02:59 - Hour 5

Changeover from 02:59:59 to 02:00:00

02:00 - 03:00 - Hour 6

Saturday 22:00 until Sunday 03:30 will still show as 22:00 until 03:30, but total hours will be 6.5

22:00 - 22:59 - Hour 1

23:00 - 23:59 - Hour 2

00:00 - 00:59 - Hour 3

01:00 - 01:59 - Hour 4

02:00 - 02:59 - Hour 5

Changeover from 02:59:59 to 02:00:00

02:00 - 02:59 - Hour 6

03:00 - 03:30 - Hour 6.5

Sunday 03:00 until Sunday 06:00 will be rostered as normal, and hours will still be 3

Changeover from 02:59:59 to 02:00:00

03:00 - 03:59 - Hour 1

04:00 - 04:59 - Hour 2

05:00 - 06:00 - Hour 3

Note: Total hours in these examples are exclusive of breaks

What happens when I use a schedule template?

When you apply a roster template, any shifts that fall within the 2am/3am mark will be automatically adjusted based on how daylight savings will affect it.

For example, when you apply a Sunday 02:30 - 06:30 shift from a template to the first Sunday in October, we'll automatically adjust it to 03:30 - 06:30 for this one instance only.

What happens when I copy shifts from another day/week?

When you copy shifts from a previous day or week, any shifts that fall within that 2am/3am mark will be automatically adjusted based on how daylight savings will affect it.

For example, when you copy a 02:30 - 06:30 shift from the last Sunday in September and apply it to the first Sunday in October, we'll automatically adjust it to 03:30 - 06:30.

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