Where is Workforce.com hosted?
Workforce.com is a SaaS company, and uses Amazon Web Services (AWS) to host our application. Workforce.com operates in multiple regions. For customers using my.workforce.com, we host the platform in AWS Sydney. For customers using we host our data in AWS Frakfurt.
Workforce.com generally follows the AWS Well-Architected framework: https://aws.amazon.com/architecture/well-architected/
What information can I use to update my organization's firewall rules to allow Workforce.com?
Workforce.com operates with the following domain names:
https://my.workforce.com - if you are a customer using our APAC region
Workforce.com does not guarantee our traffic comes from the same static IP address. Contact us if you require more information.
Is Workforce.com ISO27001 or SOC-2 compliant?
Yes, as of June 2022 Workforce.com has received its SOC2 Type 2 audit certification. Interested parties may view the document in its entirety by completing the access request step to our security portal by clicking the image below or going directly to https://security.tanda.co/.
Does Workforce.com get security tests done by third parties?
Yes. Workforce.com sponsors and operates a fully funded "bug bounty" program via Hackerone. Their team of researchers have been hand-picked for their expertise in working with products with similar design structures and attack vectors. Learn more here.
Are the servers that host Workforce.com publicly accessible?
Does Workforce.com use Firewalls?
Yes, we are able to separate our servers & database(s) from the public internet and each other, with access controlled through strict firewalls.
Does Workforce.com need to worry about Data Center security?
No, Workforce.com does not manage any Data centers. We use AWS, and they take on that responsibility. Read more about their shared responsibility model here: https://aws.amazon.com/compliance/shared-responsibility-model/
Does Workforce.com use intrusion detection systems?